Web 3.0 is a ZOO!
The Zoo of Web 3.0.
Consider a zoo. A physical space that cannot be replicated anywhere else and is only available to those who can physically visit.
That sucks! I mean, what about everyone else?!?
OK, so this needs a rethink. What about if we created a Worldspace 3D replica zoo online that visitors from around the world could walk around via their web browser? Where they could view videos and read information about the animals, view live streams of the enclosures, purchase merchandise, do quiz activities and play educational games regardless of where they are in the world. You could charge an entry fee or sell memberships.
OK, so that's cool, but a little unimaginative. So how about we create portals between the Worldspace virtual zoo and the physical zoo, placing LCD screens or projectors in the undercover areas next to each enclosure and creating a live stream of the zoo into the metaverse so that physical visitors can see into the virtual zoo and online visitors can see the physical zoo. Placed all around the zoo you might even bump into the same people as you move between enclosures!
Now, let's make it so that the online virtual visitors can complete tasks with the physical visitors. Maybe they fix the broken fence so that the Rhino doesn't escape, or feed the monkeys.
OK, that's fun, but what about augmenting the physical zoo? Well, that's an easy one. We create simple QR codes on each of the animal enclosures that display augmented reality animals that you can place with your friends and family, take photos of and share with friends. These can be taken home and placed in your garden so that you can have your own zoo at home. And of course, they could also be accessible to visitors in the Worldspace virtual zoo so that remote users can get a feel for the size and personality of the animals. Can you fit a hippo in the bath? Now you can try!
Great, so our zoo is a lot more interesting now, but let's go further still. If used well, AR can be much more powerful than just placing objects. We can create multiplayer games, interactive elements and much more. These are not location specific either, so maybe when you scan the QR code on the meerkat enclosure in the physical or virtual zoo you are suddenly playing a game of meerkat tag, or meerkat poo-ball fight with players around the world.
So that's the customer experience significantly enhanced. What about other stuff? Well, once the virtual zoo is up and running it can be expanded as much as you want. So how about having a virtual lecture theatre where you live stream any events that you do into the Worldspace metaverse so that virtual visitors can watch the stream and then walk to a networking area where they can use the spatial video chat feature to speak naturally with each other?
Or maybe you want a historical archive of past events. Or a press room. Or a general meeting room. Or a members club. Or an endangered species awareness and action room. Or, or, or...
#web3 #metaverse #ar