Activating Piccadilly Circus
The ability of Metaverse and AR technologies to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual is a powerful way to augment and regenerate urban centres.
We're delighted to be working with our partners at Arts Arkade to bring urban arts to life in new and exciting ways in the centre of London.
Arts Arkade is the "Home of urban excellence" and is a team of artists, scientists and technologists, reimagining and regenerating spaces and environments to deliver culturally engaged and happier people.
Working in partnership with the Crown Estate, Arts Arkade will be running programmes in music, gaming, movement, sports, fashion and art, Arts Arkade are working with some of the most talented people in the industry.
The Worldspace metaverse and AR platform take this to another level, creating activations around the Piccadilly Circus square, and reaching wider audiences via the internet.
And, of course, everything is connected in real time.
Watch this space.
#Web3 #Culture #UrbanArts #Metaverse #AR #Dance #Music #Art